2024-01-03 05:54:30 -

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2024-01-11 11:35:31 -


按中国年历,今天(2019年8月8 日)立秋。英国的夏季不热且短,几场雨过,凉爽的秋季便悄然而至了。同学群里都在热议即将到来的四十年聚会,不免让人想到四十年前那个炎热不安,充满喜悦,期待的暑假。

那年高考结束,闭门苦读两年之后一下子完全放松, 终于有了个可以为所欲为的假日,除了兴奋,还是兴奋。毫无顾忌地睡懒觉,随心所欲地看电影,读小说,听音乐。 和同学骑车闲逛。静下来,也会找补一下历史,地理知识,读读诗词。毕竟这些都不在高考范围,总感觉是缺憾。除此之外,还买了个口琴,认真地学了几天。 当年的娱乐也就这些,那时出远门旅游还没普及。那应该是我最快乐,最放松的一个暑假了。时过境迁,四十年已过,当年的许多事已在记忆中变得模糊,但还是能回想起一些小事。

那时的县城不大,几个狭窄的老街,一条解放后才建的新街。县一中是当时城里唯一的高中,位于离新街口百米之遥一个小山坡上。校门口是一段上坡石子路, 出校门左是去城里的路,过了护城河往前就是商业中心。从学校门口往右拐,便是出城的路,没几步便上了当时去武汉唯一的国道。路的两边都是农田,不远处便是国企大厂,湖北铝厂。从学校后门出来,过几块农田,就是另一个大的国企,孝感水泥厂。
学校大门进去,便是一小广场,中间有篮球架子,能作为比赛场地。全校的各种大型活动,比如开学典礼,毕业典礼,也大多在此。广场两侧是几栋两层楼的教室,我们班的教室位于左侧楼房上面,是最里面的一间。对着大门的是办公大楼,是老师们的办公室。办公楼的侧边是运动场,有环型跑道,也是足球场。场子的下面和边上还有几处小活动场地,有单,双杠和爬杆。我当年体育不好,足球和篮球没有上场的机会,平时锻炼除了跑跑步, 玩得多的就是单,双杠,引体向上,翻跟头,在双杠上摆动。好像没有我所喜好的乒乓球场地,至少没有室内的场地。

我是七七年九月到县一中上的高中。 那时文革刚结束,高考已正式取代推荐上大学。那年年底就有了77级高考。所以,我们一入校,就开始强化学习,为高考准备。由于生员质量参差不齐,一开学,所有的学生就参加了摸底考试,然后按考试成绩分班,这样便于施教,也突出重点,毕竟当年大学录取率很低(5-6%)。最初全年级分成十一个班,成绩最好的学生组成一个所谓的尖子班。后来又有过多次考试,每次考完后还会调整,按考试成绩重新分班。尽管每次的变动不是很大,变动的人数不超过10人,但人人都会居安思危,感到压力。大家都会暗自努力,不希望被转到别的班。

我的小学和初中都是在农村上的,和城里的同学不同,只学了语文和数学两门功课。好在摸底考试只考数学和语文两门,所以侥幸进入最好的十一班。知道自己的底子差,而且物理化学一点都没学过,一开始便很努力。买了初中物理,化学课本自学补课。好在别的同学虽在初中学过一些,但都很浅。 老师照顾到多数同学的实际情况,基本上是从头教起,所以还能跟上,但一直都不太入门。英语也是如此,26 个字母都不会,更不用说口语了。好在那年外语不记分(或以10%记?),没学好也就混过去了,只是没想到几十年后,来到只能说英语的英国了。

为了高考,为了上大学的梦想,从入学起,在那两年里,丝毫不敢放松自己。没有节假日,也没有消遣娱乐的时间,惜时如金,视日如年。不能说没有对知识的渴望,但更多的是对自己前途的奢望。那时应该懂事儿了,知道没有家庭背景,不上大学,也就不会有好的工作。而高考是相对合理的竞争平台,给每个人同样的机会,怎能不全力以赴呢?回想起来,那是我一生中最努力,学到知识最多的两年。 不仅找补了小学初中应该学而没有学的知识,还顺利地通过了高考,拿到了上大学的机会。


班上的同学来自不同的初中,几乎都是在城里上的小学初中,像我这样从农村来的寥寥无几。他们大多熟识,很多人来自初中的文艺班,体育班,有特长。 和农村中学不同,城里中学的男女生在公开场合是不能讲话的。必要的口头交流,如收缴作业本,开会讨论,说话也是一本正经。 但这并不妨碍私下偷偷的交流。据说初中时城里男女同学谈恋爱的很常见。至今也不明白为什么会这样,一方面公开不说话,另一方面却又在私底下亲密来往。 或许是老师家长管教太严,而年轻的荷尔蒙又不能完全被压抑,才会这样。到了高中阶段,男女同学在公开场合还是互不来往,而高考的压力使得大多数同学私下也避免来往。尽管如此,高中第二年开始,还是有数位同学陷入了热恋之中。我那时不是没开窍,只是学习压力太大,又很自卑,没什么特长,所以无暇顾及,只能是把荷尔蒙的能量转移到学习上来。 没交女友,但却有了一群要好的朋友,虽谈不上生死之交,多数都是一辈子的朋友。正因为如此,几十年后班上的男同学相遇,毫无陌生感,仍能想起当年打闹嬉笑的点点滴滴。相对而言,女同学大多数没说过话,只是远远地看过,没有太多的记忆或印像。估计她们对男生也是如此。


语文更重要的是日积月累,需要有大量的阅读,而我们那代人缺的就是这方面。我们小学初中都是在文革中,不说传统古典文化,就连普通的小说也不多,像四书五经这样的经典都被打成毒草,根本没机会接触。尽管那时文化复兴,能读到的书越来越多了,可两年的时间很难补上过去七年应该学到的。语文老师换了三个,其实根本问题还是学生,阅读量太少,一时难以补上。那时语文教学的重点也是针对高考,文言文,作文是重点。 老师没怎么教我们们作诗,有同学自己学,可即便是自由体的诗,没有古典文学的基础,很难做好的。






Really great shoes, in a color combo I couldnt get locally.
- Switzerland

Finally an athletic shoe that gives me the fit and comfort I wanted.
- Liberia

Husband says this is the most comfortable sneaker he's ever worn. Loves them!!!!
- Guam

excellent tennis shoes, they look great and are very comfortable, they fitted as expected.
- Singapore

The Nike Air Monarch IV 415445-001 Men's Performance Running Shoes feels comfortable and great for walking
- Singapore

It's classified as a running shoe, but I play tennis in these and they are a great and comfortable shoe on the court.
- Switzerland

I love the Air Monarch 4, especially now that it doesn't seem to have the squeeking problem that plagued them before. Very comfortable.
- Singapore

These are exactly as described. The 4E means extra wide, but 3E was not available so I went for these.I now have a fresh bounce in my air step.Best Regards,
- Singapore

Great shoe, But they are too small. I have another pair of the same shoes in a size 10. But these fit like a size 9.5. Had them for 5 minutes And can not wear them. Returning them
- Liberia

I purchased this for my son and he loves them. He wants another pair in a different color but although the price was right, I'm a disabled single mother on a limited income so these were a humongous splurge but he deserves it.
- Switzerland

2024-01-12 22:50:51--
These are legit!!! The serial # even checks out through ** and has ** care coverage until December 24th!! Will definitely order again

2024-01-12 08:59:10--
The headphones are very good, the effect of listening to music is very good, and they are very comfortable to wear and not easy to fall off.

2024-01-12 08:53:14--
They came quick and very well worth it can not tell the difference between original and these

2024-01-12 08:52:41--
Product was damaged

2024-01-12 08:51:28--
Super 👌🏻 Quality excellent appearance of the holes of the laces, they only have a hole instead of having 6

2024-01-12 08:49:31--
it was straight could have been a lil better

2024-01-12 08:47:45--
My girls loved their shoes

2024-01-12 08:47:37--
Excellent, Thankyou so much

2024-01-12 08:47:37--
love it. like the real one.

2024-01-12 08:47:15--
Size up a size has a tight fit

2024-01-12 08:47:13--
shoes are as described. looks great

2024-01-04 19:02:32--
Will definitely shop again great product shipping little expensive quality creps

2024-01-04 19:02:18--
Shoes are awesome for perfectly colour is spot on, box was damaged in transit and took 2 months to get to Australia but other than that great shoes will buy more 🔥

2024-01-04 19:00:01--
Top product. I recommend!

2024-01-04 18:57:32--
The sneaker look horrible

2024-01-04 18:52:33--
flawless. definitely recommend this seller. shit came in 2 weeks too

2024-01-04 18:50:26--
Good shoe, no complaints!

2024-01-04 18:48:39--
superb quality, just like the real thing

2024-01-04 18:45:42--
Great price great quality great communication I would recommend this seller perfect

2024-01-04 18:43:15--
Great shoes. See pics! Come in 2 weeks. The seller is great, I have bought several pairs of shoes from him.

2024-01-04 18:43:06--
I am very satisfied with the purchase I bought them for my brother and he loved them. I bought him some red thunders and they come in really good

2024-01-04 18:42:54--
These shoes are great y’all I’m not even bout to lie to yallll it came with the authentic tag and everything came with some Nike socks in the package it didn’t come with a box tho but it’s fine.! I accidentally got the wrong size but they still fit me nice just had to tie the shoe laces a little bit tight so they wouldn’t be big on my feet 😂!! I’ll definitely buy from this seller againnnnn honestlyyyy right hand on the Bible y’all should get these shoesssss they legit!!

2024-01-04 18:42:23--
Never shop with this store again. They not only sent me the wrong size, they sent me 2 wrong sizes and I was in contact with the owner before the second order came out, and they still didn’t send the correct size nor where they willing to ship right item. So me experience with this store was Horrible.

2024-01-04 18:38:09--
Good quality. Would buy again.

2024-01-04 18:34:01--
The seller is very communicative. I received my product with the box in about 3 weeks. Will purchase again from this seller

2024-01-04 18:34:00--
True to size. Decent shipping time. Have correct logos and look very authentic. Came in box with stock x card and sticker Would order again. (Bone Slides)

2024-01-04 09:22:03--
fast shiping, good quality,size as I order fit perfectly, I am very satisfied

2024-01-04 09:20:19--
Sunglasses are what I want. They are fashionable and well-made. They are very nice.

2024-01-04 09:20:05--

2024-01-04 09:17:45--
Excellent quality and arrived in a very timely manner.

2024-01-04 09:14:33--
Looks great

2024-01-04 09:09:54--
Real happy w these. Lots of black light flaws but def good enough in person to wear. (They didn’t come with a box. I just took the pics on a dunk box)

2024-01-04 09:06:45--
Such a beautiful bracelet and has all the right branding! It is very fragile mine broke off the first time and it went missing after two weeks the second one I bought also broke within a few weeks but it is very beautiful

2024-01-04 09:06:01--
Nice quality and arrived in two weeks.

2024-01-04 09:05:31--
Arrived in a reasonable amount of time. Great quality. I will be ordering more

2024-01-04 09:03:15--
I think its appearance and quality would also be suitable for giving gifts,the person receiving the gift should be very satisfied.

2024-01-04 09:03:02--
I love shoes and my daughter does to we compared them to the ones she already has and baby I’m tryna tell y’all order from this seller ASAP

2024-01-04 09:02:24--
So far it’s ok

2024-01-04 08:58:20--
Very convenient. Listening to songs and watching plays has good sound quality and strong endurance!

2024-01-04 08:55:29--
The delivery is timely, the packaging is beautiful, the use effect is really good, the noise reduction function is powerful, the sound quality is good, the battery life is long, the wearing is very comfortable, I like it.

2024-01-04 08:55:24--
The color I bought is very resistant to dirt. After ten days of use, it won't be stained with dust. Moreover, the whole earphone is wrapped tightly after being put on, and the anti-fall and anti-slip effect is very good. You can start with it.

2024-01-04 00:05:32--
This product is not a good dupe. It’s very poor quality. Ripples in the fake leather and loose threading all over!

2024-01-04 00:04:42--
Because of the reviews I thought it would be more realistic looking. The big bad looks real but the small walet looks very fake and plastic and like it's for a child.

2024-01-04 00:01:27--
There was mold on the box and it would not wipe off. Also they sent the package in a paper bag which caused the box to have creases on the edges of it which is unfortunate since this was a present. There was some dust on the bag but it wiped off. Overall it’s a great bag.

2024-01-04 00:01:17--
OBSESSED with this product! The purse came exactly like it said it would. And earlier as well. The detail is amazing. There is one small Knick in the wallet but not too worried since it will be in the purse. So excited to use it.

2024-01-03 23:59:59--

2024-01-03 23:59:45--

2024-01-03 23:58:31--
beautiful I loved it!

2024-01-03 23:57:47--
Love it absolutely gorgeous

2024-01-03 23:56:39--
lovely bag, had a weird smell but went away

2024-01-03 23:55:37--
2nd purse from this seller ! Good stuff not bad . Thanks

2024-01-03 23:54:53--
Beautiful bag and worth the wait. Will buy again from this seller.

2024-01-03 23:51:46--
Well not one to write reviews much less for items I purchased for my GF. This purse though made her very happy even after a thorough inspection. Lol So needless to say I’ll be ordering more items not only from this vendor but this app. Thank you

2024-01-03 23:50:27--
Amazing. The color is vivid and beautiful. wallet feels exactly the same as original and has all the same markings. very happy will order again

2024-01-03 23:49:31--
Decent quality. Think replica 2009 fit

2024-01-03 23:47:19--
Perfect from top to bottom, it's a great DH find. International logistics is also very fast, which is crazy. So I gave it to myself as a graduation present

2024-01-03 23:47:18--
Received the bag today. I ordered this for my wife for our anniversary and it came about 2 days after our actual anniversary. She loves it ! Item was just as advertised

2024-01-03 23:46:17--
It literally looks like the real thing to me! The weight of the bag is also really nice too, it doesnamp;apos;t feel cheap at all. Everything feels really sturdy. the bag is honestly so beautiful Iamp;apos;ll probably buy more from this shop eventually. Highly recommend!

2024-01-03 23:45:57--
All good the box is broken but it is very well not oxidized or anything

2024-01-03 23:27:24--
Awesome quality

Displaying 1 to 60 (of 745 reviews)

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